Saturday, April 11, 2009

Its so funny how I wrote about family yesterday.. how family will let you down but how I am in no position to judge them ...

So I find out that someone who has meant so much to me, blood, someone who I would bend over backwards for.. and have! someone who I have trusted and have been hurt and demolished because of... Someone who I defend tooth and nail because I want to believe that the person I KNOW she can be.. is what she is GOING to be.. or I convinced myself.. she was.

I dont want to elaborate on the situation because its really not all that important...

I just wish things wernt the way they were sometimes.. I wish my family wasnt so damaged.

I know that God has a reason for everything, I know that every trial I have faced has only helped me grow into the person I am now.. I know that God loves me and wouldnt do anything to just hurt me for the fun of it... I know this. And I know that I am to turn the other cheek... Twice if I have to.

But because I am human and I am a sinner there are things that I feel.. like I wish my family wasnt so damaged.. I wish that half the things that had happend.. didnt. I wish that my Mom was still here and that it was her standing by my fathers side... I wish that the bonds I thought I had with my family .. were real. I wish alot of things.....

It would be easier.. of course.... it would be so much easier to be able to always get along with your loved ones.. and not feel like theres always someone you have to watch out for .. or someone you need to tip toe around. Gosh, I just wish we were normal..

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